Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Open House

 This Thursday is our open house. Families are invited to come in and learn about what goes on during your child's day. The open house begins at 5:30 in the gym where there will be a welcome from the administrative team. After that, you will go to our classroom and I will have a small presentation about what goes on from day to day, the curriculum, grading, and homework. That takes place from 5:45-6:15. After that, you are welcome to visit the Unified Arts classrooms and the book fair. Everything ends promptly at 7, so if you intend on visiting the book fair, please make sure to do that sooner rather than later. You do not need to stay till 7

If you have children in other grades, the 5:45-6:15 slots are in common rooms where the whole grade level team will be doing a presentation. Then the 6:15-7 slot is for visiting their homeroom, UA teachers, and book fair. 

I understand that not everyone can be in 2 or 3 places at once, so I will find time to go over the presentation again if you need to do another child's grade level meeting first. 

I do hope that you are able to attend and see what your child gets to do for most of their day. I look forward to meeting you!