Unified Arts- Specials

We are fortunate enough to have many different Unified Arts classes. They are done on a 5-day rotation. Our classes are broken up into 2 groups. You will need to ask your child what their UA is and see if they need anything for it. I will post on the upcoming events section on the home page what our specials are for the week. 

On Physical Education (PE) days, your child will need sneakers in order to participate (for safety). Your child should also wear clothing that is conducive to running, jumping, and moving about freely. We have 2 different PE teachers so they will have 2 different PE classes throughout the rotations. 
On library day, your child should return any outstanding library materials. Library materials should be returned in good condition.
If you ever have any questions regarding a Unified Arts special, please contact the teacher through the school phone or via email.

Library- jodie.antoine@sau24.org

Health- bronda.crosby@sau24.org

Music- serena.gorham@sau24.org

PE- tiffany.lewis@sau24.org

PE- peter.barrasso@sau24.org

Tech Ed- mark.boucher@sau24.org

Art- Jessica.Chauca@sau24.org
