Sunday, September 11, 2022

Loving the start to the year!

What an amazing group of kids in this class! I have seen so many helpful and kind behaviors, as well as some very well-mannered kiddos. So far we have been working on community building and learning about respect in our Character Counts lessons, and these children do a great job reflecting that!

This past week we began working on our core subjects. In math, we reviewed place values and adding 3-digit numbers. The children discussed various strategies they solved these problems, and now we are preparing for our beginning of the year assessments. If your child has a pair of headphones/earbuds that they have yet to bring in, please do so soon. They use them for the computers when we take our assessments. Thank you.

In language arts, we are reviewing parts of speech and we have begun reading a chapter book. We discuss strategies that the author uses in the book and how good readers identify these strategies to help them read and understand as they go. 

New Hampshire is the main focus of the social studies curriculum. The children have learned about the physical features of the land and how glaciers and our weather helped form our landscape.

The children helped me make a story for writing. We wrote about ice cream. We identified paragraphs, where to indent and how many sentences a paragraph may have. We discussed run-on sentences and how to edit some writing to change it up. This is a precursor to them writing their own paper about themselves. 

Some things to know: 

*We have no school this Tuesday.
* Picture Day is 9/20- To order prints online go to and use the code B8N7DXYG
* We'll also be taking our first visit to the Weare Public Library. If your child is in need of a library card and you didn't receive a little yellow form to fill out for one, please let me know. If your child already has a card, they will be able to look them up in the system and the kids will be able to check out some books that day. 
* Open House will take place Thursday 9/29. Families are welcome to come see our classroom and take a tour of the school. There will also be a book fair taking place in the library. It is open to everyone. If you can't make it, we will be visiting the fair and the kids will have the chance to create a wish list for you to look at. Forms should be going home soon with additional information about e-wallet and dates. It runs through 10/6.
*Lastly (for now) Please, Please, Please send in a water bottle with your child. I have some cups that they have been using, but they are small, they spill, and I don't have many left. I'd rather see them reuse a water bottle than waste a cup. It also saves time with children having to leave the classroom. I truly appreciate your support with this.