Monday, October 18, 2021

Stories and Science

 We have been doing an author study of Tommie DePaola's Strega Nona. We identified common themes throughout the books. We looked at characters, settings, and problems throughout the books. They are now working to create their own Strega Nona book. They will include these common themes in their book. They will even get to look up some Italian words to see if they can incorporate them into their writing. 

We are starting novel studies. the children are reading books at their level and we are doing a variety of activities to build comprehension, critical thinking, and reading stamina. 

We are about to begin our 2nd math unit on multiplication. It's a review to start off with but adding in some new concepts on comparing the numbers in a multiplication problem. 

We have begun our first science unit. We are looking at energy, and the renewable and non-renewable resources used to produce the energy. This leads us to the main focus which is how people impact the environment.