Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Halloween, Popcorn, and Hats

 This week has been full of important information that has been relayed to the kids. First off is that Popcorn Thursdays are coming! Students can order bags of popcorn for .50 I told them that if they brought in a dollar, I could hold onto the change for the following week. It is optional. Your child can still get free breakfast so they will have something to eat- even if it isn't popcorn.

The school board voted last night and said that hats can now be worn inside the school. This does not include hoodies. Also, the school store has opened, however, it is geared towards the middle school. Your child will not be visiting the school store this year, so they do not need any money for that. 

Halloween is next weekend. The children will be participating in a door decorating contest. 4th and 5th grade students will be decorating the classroom doors and the administration will be voting o the winning classroom next Friday. That day we will have a small holiday celebration. Children can wear their costumes to school. Weapons, inflatable costumes, and masks that cover the entire face are not permitted. Full face paint is also not allowed. Children can have subtle face paint, and partial masks, but we need to be able to recognize who is in the costume. Our day will be holiday-themed. Reading and math activities will be related to what we are learning but will have a Halloween spin to them. At the end of the day, we will have a small party for about 25 minutes or so. It won't be anything over the top, but if there are families who would be willing to bring in some snacks, drinks, forks/spoons, or plates, that would be appreciated. 

Lastly, there has been an influx of fidget toys being brought in. These are now getting to be a distraction as children are sharing them, swapping toys, talking about them, etc... These are not being used as tools to focus and are becoming more of a hindrance to their learning at this time. I am asking that the toys remain at home. If you could help in making sure your child keeps these at home, it would be very much appreciated. I do have some quiet fidgets that the children can use if they need to take a break and self-regulate, but those would be used in the take-a-break spot in the room as a calming tool.