Monday, March 3, 2025

Field trip and the Iditarod

 Hello families, 

We have a wonderful field trip coming up. We are going to a STEM-based facility in Pembroke, run by the National Guard, over the course of 5 weeks. Our dates are Thursday 3/27, 4/3, and then Tuesdays 4/8, 4/15 and 4/22. Fortunately through grants and such, the field trip is free for students. Permission slips went home today and have all the information. These are due back on the 11th. Late or missing ones will mean your child will have to remain at school, so please bring them back by next Tuesday! I'll also need to know a week in advance if your child will need to order a bag lunch from the Cafeteria for any of the above dates. It's usually sandwiches. If you know now and want to tell me dates your child needs a lunch, send me an email and I will order it for them. Otherwise, plan on them needing a home lunch. 

A form for the Fisher Cats reading program also went home today. If your child reads 5 age-appropriate books, they can send the form to the Fisher Cats to receive 2 free tickets, with additional tickets available for purchase. Details are on the flyers. 

There have still been some problems with the misuse of materials. Please talk with your child about using glue sticks for papers if we're doing projects. They are not meant for bodies or desks. Also leave toys, lotions(unless medically necessary), and beauty/ hair care products at home. Some people have also been taking rubber gloves. Admin believes students might be taking them from the cafeteria. Please tell your child that these are not for their use. 

On another note, we are in need of some supplies. Pencils, paper towels, spoons/forks, cups, markers, and hand wipes (not Lysol wipes) are needed most at this time. Any donations are appreciated.  

The Iditarod is a 1,000+ mile dog sled race that is starting today! We will be learning about why the race started, what the rules are and the children are learning more about a musher they picked. They will be following their musher throughout the race and will track their progress daily. We learned that this year, there is not enough snow on the typical route, so they had to rearrange the route and are taking a trail they have not done in the 25 years, I've been following the race! It adds an extra 100 miles to the race, so we'll see what difference that makes to the mushers' times and stamina. You can follow along on