Saturday, September 18, 2021

What we're up to...

Book orders were due Friday. If you are still interested, you can enter an online order this weekend. Please see the book order page on the left for more info on online ordering. 

We started PE this week and we have it all this next week as well. Continue to have your child wear sneakers and could you check to make sure they know how to tie their laces. Some children just need a little more practice. 

Thursday is Picture Day. The order forms were sent out a couple weeks ago. If you need a new one plaese let me know and I'l send home another form. There are directions to order online if you prefer that method. Even of you don't order pictures, your child will have it taken for the schools records. 

This week the kids have been working on place value in math. Some kids are working on identifying the value of 3 digit numbers and others are working on 6 digit numbers. Our math unit focuses on comparing larger numbers, understanding the value of a number depending on where it is in a larger number, and reviewing some past skills. Many students are doing great with this and I am making it so it is still challenging while also being a review.

We are reading The Tiger Rising. This book is about a boy living in Florida and the challenges he faces after losing his mother. We have been looking at character traits and visualizing what is happening. As people read they imagine what's happening in the story.  We are using the author's words to help us make movies in our minds and draw what we see.

We are working on creating 5 paragraph essays in writing. The children have been reviewing the components of a paragraph and the process of writing an essay. They will use an organizer to help them generate topics and details for each topic, then we will put it into an essay. This will be typed up later to give them some opportunities for keyboarding, editing, revisional practice.

NH state symbols are our focus for this week in social studies. As we begin to learn about New Hampshire, we will research our state symbols by doing an online scavenger hunt, using our textbooks for research, and creating some symbols with model magic. The kids seem very excited about it!