Saturday, September 4, 2021

Off to a Great Start!

Welcome! I hope you were able to enjoy this long weekend. We are off to a wonderful start! The children have gotten a tour of the school, met a few teachers, learned some of the rules and expectations, and met some new friends. I am enjoying seeing their personalities come out. What a fun bunch they are. 

So far, we have been working on writing about ourselves, reading some beginning of the year stories, doing some math games, and enjoying the beautiful weather with a little extended recess. We will be starting with our reading and math curriculum this week. The children will become more accustomed to the normal routines of the day as we get down to business. 

I'm hoping that a brief tour of this blog will help you navigate and find the info you need. On the left are the pages or headings of policies and general things to know about the school day, and the classroom. In the middle are the posts. Here you will find the updates and communication about our comings and goings within the classroom. On the right, you will find the Unified Art for the week and upcoming events, and important dates that are happening in the classroom or school. You can also enter your email to receive automatic emails of the posts I make. You will also be able to go back and check the blog archive as I make more. 

Book orders will be going home this week. I will send home information about online ordering with it if you prefer to order that way. You can check out the book order section on the left to learn more about Scholastic book orders.

Keep checking back here to stay informed of the events happening in our class.