Monday, March 3, 2025

Field trip and the Iditarod

 Hello families, 

We have a wonderful field trip coming up. We are going to a STEM-based facility in Pembroke, run by the National Guard, over the course of 5 weeks. Our dates are Thursday 3/27, 4/3, and then Tuesdays 4/8, 4/15 and 4/22. Fortunately through grants and such, the field trip is free for students. Permission slips went home today and have all the information. These are due back on the 11th. Late or missing ones will mean your child will have to remain at school, so please bring them back by next Tuesday! I'll also need to know a week in advance if your child will need to order a bag lunch from the Cafeteria for any of the above dates. It's usually sandwiches. If you know now and want to tell me dates your child needs a lunch, send me an email and I will order it for them. Otherwise, plan on them needing a home lunch. 

A form for the Fisher Cats reading program also went home today. If your child reads 5 age-appropriate books, they can send the form to the Fisher Cats to receive 2 free tickets, with additional tickets available for purchase. Details are on the flyers. 

There have still been some problems with the misuse of materials. Please talk with your child about using glue sticks for papers if we're doing projects. They are not meant for bodies or desks. Also leave toys, lotions(unless medically necessary), and beauty/ hair care products at home. Some people have also been taking rubber gloves. Admin believes students might be taking them from the cafeteria. Please tell your child that these are not for their use. 

On another note, we are in need of some supplies. Pencils, paper towels, spoons/forks, cups, markers, and hand wipes (not Lysol wipes) are needed most at this time. Any donations are appreciated.  

The Iditarod is a 1,000+ mile dog sled race that is starting today! We will be learning about why the race started, what the rules are and the children are learning more about a musher they picked. They will be following their musher throughout the race and will track their progress daily. We learned that this year, there is not enough snow on the typical route, so they had to rearrange the route and are taking a trail they have not done in the 25 years, I've been following the race! It adds an extra 100 miles to the race, so we'll see what difference that makes to the mushers' times and stamina. You can follow along on 

Monday, June 12, 2023

Young Entrepreneurs Project and End of the Year Announcements


To finish up our economics unit, the children are going to become entrepreneurs. They are in charge of creating their own business, coming up with a plan, getting a loan from the bank to buy supplies, designing their own commercial, and making their product to sell! I wanted to let you know how this unit will go because some kids want to work "overtime" at home and there are some rules they need to follow.

First, the kids had to create a business plan. Some of them got the approval to start tonight to make a model to show the "bank" tomorrow. They can use their own supplies at home if they want to, but any supplies that are used from school need to have a loan taken out. No one has any school supplies yet.  

The only supplies are PAPER! No glitter, googly eyes, model magic, paint, chenille stems, pom poms, etc...  The paper can be cardstock or colored paper, but it can only be made using paper. They are able to use capital resources like scissors, tape, glue, markers, and staples. I showed them some examples today, but they can also look online at home for other ideas and directions for how to make them. 

The kids will be creating their products in class, but as I said, some kids want to work overtime at home to make sure they have enough inventory to sell on Friday. please make sure they bring anything they make at home to school for Friday. The kids are also working on making a Google slide newspaper-type ad. Some kids also want to do this at home. They get one slide. I called it a commercial in class, but there's no video. Just words and pictures or whatever they can incorporate onto one slide.

I told them that whatever they choose, they have to stick with it. They can only make one type of thing. They can't make a bookmark, paper snowflakes, and a card to sell at their store. They can only pick one thing and make different styles of it. For example- a card. The cards can be different designs and pictures and sayings, but the whole store needs to sell only cards. 


Field day is on Thursday! If there is sun, putting sunscreen on at home is strongly encouraged. Also, kids need water bottles to bring around with them. They may not be allowed to go inside often to fill a cup. Free lunch is also being provided. Kids don't need to bring a lunch (unless you know you have a picky eater) They will still need snacks but there is no snack cart on Thursday.

Popcorn is available on Friday.

If your child has any library books -either school or WPL, please return them ASAP.

Report cards go home on the last day of school. That is next Tuesday 6/20. If your child will not be here on the last day, then report cards will be mailed to your home. Students will be finding out next year's placement over the summer. It will not be listed on their report cards. A separate letter will be sent. 

The last day is a half day. Students are dismissed at 11:30 on the 20th. 

And lastly, THANK YOU! The support you have given, and the fact that you have shared your child with me for the last 10 months has been a joy. I have loved getting to be with your child and helping them navigate a new school and make new friends and ultimately, seeing them grow. Take care of them and I can't wait to see them in the halls next year!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Field Trip and Other Important Dates

Strawberry Banke, Here We Come!! Thursday we go on our field trip. Your child went home with a letter with helpful tips about the trip. Please check your child's backpack. We are leaving as close to 8:00 as we can. Please make sure your child is at school before then. They need a snack and lunch unless they ordered school lunch previously. It is expected to be in the 50's while we are there so have your child dress appropriately. Toys, electronics, and money should be kept at home. 

Friday is a half day for teacher workshops. Dismissal is at 11:30

Monday is Memorial Day so we have no school. Enjoy the long holiday weekend.

Students will be starting their end-of-the-year benchmark assessments next week. 

6/15 is field day. They need to come dressed to play outside! (Consider putting on sunscreen at home since we will be outside for a few hours.)

Our last day of school is Tuesday 6/20. It is another half day. Report cards will be sent home then. 

Monday, May 8, 2023

 The end of the year is upon us. With that comes some things that we finish and close out the year. We are having our last visit to the Weare Public Library tomorrow. There are a few kiddos who have books to return so please try to have them remember them for tomorrow.  But please don't let that stop you from visiting the library over the summer. There are so many wonderful programs that the library runs; such as Pokemondays, video game afternoons and they will have activities over the summer for families to enjoy. Please check out their website for more information. 

Our last book fair is next week. This one is a buy one get one free fair. Your kids have the chance to get a few extra selections for summer reading for a really good deal. The flyers went home today. 

Our last field trip to Strawberry Banke is in just over 2 weeks. Please bring in the permission slip and $25 if I don't have it yet. If you need help with the money, please let me know. We do have some sponsorships available. Remember your child will need to bring their own lunch. Chaperones, please let me know how fingerprinting is going. I will send out another update to families and chaperones as we get closer to the date. 

We are working on our unit on fractions. Soon the children will learn how fractions tie into decimals. As part of an interdisciplinary unit in reading, writing, technology, and social studies, the children are researching events that led to the American Revolution. The children are taking notes from various reading sources, planning out how they will combine the facts they learned about into an informational writing paper, and creating their own slide presentations on these events. In Science, the students are learning how sound works. We've looked at how sound vibrations can change the way sand, water, and fire move. They have looked at shock waves and learned how far a whisper can travel by making their own string telephone. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Guess What? It's Spirit Week!

I didn't realize it, but we have spirit week this week. So going ahead: 
Tuesday- Crazy Hair
Wed. Mismatch Day
Thurs: Anything but a backpack
Fri. PJ Day

We will also be visiting the Weare Public Library tomorrow. If your child has any books to return, please have them bring it. We only have a few more visits before the year ends. 

I hope the children enjoyed our special day. It was a great day to have ice cream! Again, a big thank you to all the parents who helped with bringing supplies in! I had a great outpouring of support and I am truly grateful. 

Enjoy your vacation. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Sundae, Stuffy and Movie Day!

Hello Families,

We have earned another class reward! The children have decided that they want to watch a movie and have some ice cream while doing it. Children can also bring a stuffy in on Friday. We would like to watch Jumanji with Robin Williams. It is a tie-in to the author study we are doing on Chris Van Allsburg. However because it is rated PG, I do need permission from you to watch this. The permission slip was sent home yesterday, so if you didn't see it, please check your child's backpack and return it to me by Friday. An email giving permission will also work. A big thank you to those who have brought things in already. I now have cherries, sprinkles, and bowls. Please let me know if you are able to help with whipped cream, chocolate or vanilla ice cream and chocolate shell or chocolate sauce so I know what I should pick up for Friday. Again, thank you for all your help!  

Please note that we will still be having our spelling test and homwork is due on Friday.  

If you haven't returned your child's permission slip for our Strawberry Banke Field trip next month, Please do so soon. If you need another copy, just let me know and I'll get one to you.  

Students have finished their state SAS testing. The children worked so hard and put forth some great effort! You should have received a notice last week letting you know how to access their results. 

Tonight is the Talent Show. Tickets are $3. The show starts at 6:30.

There was supposed to be a dance on Friday, however, it has been postponed until after vacation. The date is TBD. Children who already paid can get a refund.

Friday May 12, at 4:00 there will be a 5K fun run. Click the link below to sign up by April 21st.

There is 1 more week before vacation. I hope the weather is as nice as it has been this week and that you get to go out and enjoy it!!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

There's a lot to talk about!

 Hello Families,

Welcome back from vacation. There is a lot of info that I have to share with you.

First off we are following the Iditarod!  It is a 1000mi. sled dog race that goes from one side of Alaska to the other. The children have been following a musher as he or she makes their way along the trail. The race began on Saturday and the racers are about halfway done already. We should have a winner early next week. The kids have been researching their musher, learning about its history and rules, and reading stories and we will be writing a letter to Zuma, the k-9 dog reporter next week. This unit is very fun to follow and there is a lot that we learn from this mini-unit! Feel free to follow along at

There is a dance this Friday from 4:30-6. The theme is decades, and the kids are welcome to dress up in any decade they wish if they so choose. Tickets are $5 and must be purchased here at school before the dance. 

There is no school on Tuesday. It is a teacher workshop day. Go vote!

Grades close on the 17th. Report cards will be sent home the following Friday. (In case anyone is wondering, we do not have any parties for St. Patrick's Day)

The book fair is on. It starts on Friday and ends on the 17th. The children went home with a flyer yesterday with more information. Children can come with families after school till 2:40 and we will be visiting the book fair next week to fill out wish lists or make purchases.

The other thing is our boatload of pennies charity drive! The students in 4th grade chose to raise money for the SPCA - animal shelter. If you are able to donate any change or bills, we would certainly appreciate it. Donations can also be made online. I am attaching the link to learn more about this fundraiser and to make online donations here: Boatload of Pennies Fundraiser.  Let's make a change!

There will be a talent show on April 12th. If your child would like to participate, they need to sign up with Ms. Gorham by 3/31. You can also reach out to Serena Gorham at if you need more info about this event. 

This is a reminder to turn in your field trip permission slips and $25 to Strawberry Banke if you have not done so yet.