Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Field Trip and Other Important Dates

Strawberry Banke, Here We Come!! Thursday we go on our field trip. Your child went home with a letter with helpful tips about the trip. Please check your child's backpack. We are leaving as close to 8:00 as we can. Please make sure your child is at school before then. They need a snack and lunch unless they ordered school lunch previously. It is expected to be in the 50's while we are there so have your child dress appropriately. Toys, electronics, and money should be kept at home. 

Friday is a half day for teacher workshops. Dismissal is at 11:30

Monday is Memorial Day so we have no school. Enjoy the long holiday weekend.

Students will be starting their end-of-the-year benchmark assessments next week. 

6/15 is field day. They need to come dressed to play outside! (Consider putting on sunscreen at home since we will be outside for a few hours.)

Our last day of school is Tuesday 6/20. It is another half day. Report cards will be sent home then. 

Monday, May 8, 2023

 The end of the year is upon us. With that comes some things that we finish and close out the year. We are having our last visit to the Weare Public Library tomorrow. There are a few kiddos who have books to return so please try to have them remember them for tomorrow.  But please don't let that stop you from visiting the library over the summer. There are so many wonderful programs that the library runs; such as Pokemondays, video game afternoons and they will have activities over the summer for families to enjoy. Please check out their website for more information. 

Our last book fair is next week. This one is a buy one get one free fair. Your kids have the chance to get a few extra selections for summer reading for a really good deal. The flyers went home today. 

Our last field trip to Strawberry Banke is in just over 2 weeks. Please bring in the permission slip and $25 if I don't have it yet. If you need help with the money, please let me know. We do have some sponsorships available. Remember your child will need to bring their own lunch. Chaperones, please let me know how fingerprinting is going. I will send out another update to families and chaperones as we get closer to the date. 

We are working on our unit on fractions. Soon the children will learn how fractions tie into decimals. As part of an interdisciplinary unit in reading, writing, technology, and social studies, the children are researching events that led to the American Revolution. The children are taking notes from various reading sources, planning out how they will combine the facts they learned about into an informational writing paper, and creating their own slide presentations on these events. In Science, the students are learning how sound works. We've looked at how sound vibrations can change the way sand, water, and fire move. They have looked at shock waves and learned how far a whisper can travel by making their own string telephone.