Monday, April 17, 2023

Guess What? It's Spirit Week!

I didn't realize it, but we have spirit week this week. So going ahead: 
Tuesday- Crazy Hair
Wed. Mismatch Day
Thurs: Anything but a backpack
Fri. PJ Day

We will also be visiting the Weare Public Library tomorrow. If your child has any books to return, please have them bring it. We only have a few more visits before the year ends. 

I hope the children enjoyed our special day. It was a great day to have ice cream! Again, a big thank you to all the parents who helped with bringing supplies in! I had a great outpouring of support and I am truly grateful. 

Enjoy your vacation. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Sundae, Stuffy and Movie Day!

Hello Families,

We have earned another class reward! The children have decided that they want to watch a movie and have some ice cream while doing it. Children can also bring a stuffy in on Friday. We would like to watch Jumanji with Robin Williams. It is a tie-in to the author study we are doing on Chris Van Allsburg. However because it is rated PG, I do need permission from you to watch this. The permission slip was sent home yesterday, so if you didn't see it, please check your child's backpack and return it to me by Friday. An email giving permission will also work. A big thank you to those who have brought things in already. I now have cherries, sprinkles, and bowls. Please let me know if you are able to help with whipped cream, chocolate or vanilla ice cream and chocolate shell or chocolate sauce so I know what I should pick up for Friday. Again, thank you for all your help!  

Please note that we will still be having our spelling test and homwork is due on Friday.  

If you haven't returned your child's permission slip for our Strawberry Banke Field trip next month, Please do so soon. If you need another copy, just let me know and I'll get one to you.  

Students have finished their state SAS testing. The children worked so hard and put forth some great effort! You should have received a notice last week letting you know how to access their results. 

Tonight is the Talent Show. Tickets are $3. The show starts at 6:30.

There was supposed to be a dance on Friday, however, it has been postponed until after vacation. The date is TBD. Children who already paid can get a refund.

Friday May 12, at 4:00 there will be a 5K fun run. Click the link below to sign up by April 21st.

There is 1 more week before vacation. I hope the weather is as nice as it has been this week and that you get to go out and enjoy it!!