Monday, January 10, 2022

Cold Temps!!

 Your child brought their chrome books home today in preparation for a possible weather day. There is no indication that there will be a remote learning day, however, the busses have been known not to start on extremely cold days, so we are airing on the side of caution. If we have school tomorrow, just have them bring everything back. If it is a remote day, they can log onto zoom through Canvas for 7:30. We practiced logging onto Zoom today, so hopefully, things will run smoothly. Even though we don't have outdoor recess tomorrow, we should the rest of the week. Please make sure your child is bundled up. Stay warm!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Happy 2022

 It was so nice to see the kids again! I hope you had a great vacation. Our 1st day back was a mixture of starting new topics and making up for lost time last Wednesday. That meant we got to have our party! It was small, but the kids loved the treats and gifts we got. 

We are starting a new unit in science about sound and energy. The kids are learning about how waves travel and how certain energy is formed. 

In math we are learning how to multiply complex numbers. Things like 3x57, 22x35 etc...

Non-Fiction will be our focus this month in reading and writing. We will be doing biography research and creating a report about a person of interest and then we'll be working on a larger scale project for reading. The kids will be looking at the different components that go into a non-fiction text. After we have worked on that, they will be doing their own research and creating a digital presentation done at school and a 3D model which will be done at home. This will not happen though for a few more weeks. More information will come out when we get closer. 

Later on this month the children will be taking their mid-year assessments. They got to do it at the beginning of the year so it's nothing they haven't done before. This is to see if the children are meeting the goals we hope they've made at this point in the year.

Mask mandates have been lifted for now. If you would like your child to continue wearing their mask, they are more than welcome to. We are still staying in assigned seats and cohorts for lunch and recess. 

I have received many of the report card envelopes. I do still have some that have yet to find their way back to me. Please sign and return these envelopes so that I can reuse them next trimester. 

We've also been working on how to log into canvas to find how to get to zoom meetings and where to find the work should we get a remote learning day. 

Coming up: we have an early release on Friday the 14, and no school the following Monday- January 17th.