Sunday, December 12, 2021

Spirit Week!

This week is spirit week. I think we'll have a great time. I hope you can participate.

Monday is Sports day.
Tuesday- Twin Day
Wed- Anything but a backpack- Must be safe for school, fit on the bus, and not be alive. Basically a show-and-tell type day.
Thurs. - Holiday Day- We have a St. Patrick's Day theme
Friday- Beach day or PJ Day- Keeping in mind we will still be going outside
*I do believe the last 3 days of school the following week may also be themed, however, I am not sure of the schedule for that yet. Stay tuned. 

A few updates: Grades closed last week. Report cards will be sent home on Friday. Please sign and return just the envelope when you get it. 

Thanks to your generosity, our class collected 86 items for the food drive! 

Covid protocols are still in effect. Cleaning and sanitizing throughout the rooms is still happening, Popcorn is on hold indefinitely. We are under a mask mandate at least through the vacation. We have assigned seats in the cafeteria, recess is sectioned off into cohorts and the WMS Christmas Concert has been postponed.

It is getting cold outside. Please bring appropriate warm clothes for when we go out. Your child is welcome to bring a sweatshirt and winter coat and wear one or the other outside depending on the temperatures. When we get snow, and your child is planning on playing in it, they'll need snow gear, or at least, boots. Have them pack a change of shoes as well. And of course, please label your child's snow stuff if you can. So many ski pants and black mittens look the same. 

We have a week and a half left until the winter break. We have this week and 3 days the following week. Vacation begins on Thursday the 23rd.